Thursday, December 25, 2008

Images of Christmas

Hello everyone, this is Brodie our 3 1/2 year old Chocolate Lab - he's a good boy! Do know how many tries it took for me to get this one good shot? Many. If you simply look at this picture for the first time you will see a calm obedient dog focusing on the camera. The reality of this image is that fact that I had IAMS dog food nuggets on the top of my head for Brodie to look at me - and he did!
Our images of Christmas vary as individuals, families, towns, nations, and cultures. But the fact remains - it's centered on Christ. The person of Christ, born as a baby from a virgin, becomes debated and denied in our society in an increasing proportion every year. Can we really ignore the fact that Jesus Christ was born on this earth? Does that help unbelievers continue to deny the truth? Or, are they simply looking at this sacred event with dog food in their eyes?
We are selfish people -wanting our way all the time. When someone gets constructive with us and tries to fix what we deny is wrong, we get angry and embarrassed. Frustration sets into our lifestyle when we must try again to get it right - so we stop trying to get it right. Funny thing - when we step back and look at our self and see the real purpose of life, we look foolish trying to do anything else. Brodie has no clue the Christmas tree is behind him, and presents are under the tree. He is more concerned about the dog food on my head and the squirrels out in the front yard. Christmas is not real to him - is it real to you?
Before Christ came as a baby many prophets, priests, and kings discussed his coming. Many nations were at war because of his people. God had planned from the beginning a redeemer of our souls, because He knew we could not do it our self. Sin separted our thinking of who God is, and our disobedience became our pattern. We denied who He really is in our life - God.
Now Christmas time comes and we sing Imanuel - translated God with us. Songs of Christmas sing every year of the coming King Jesus. But we pack Him up with the lights and tree and put all that up in the attic for next year. God is with us - and we can't deny it. God is in Christmas - and the TV news can't stop it. God doesn't draw us near with dog food on his head - he compells us with His love and constant care. He didn't come to condemn, but to save us from our condemnation (John 3:17)
This Christmas - tell it like it really is to everyone. Their image may be pure, simple, and feel good - but their eyes may be on dog food and not the real purpose of this day. Truth is, one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord of all. What will your pictures look like from your past?
Happy Birthday, Jesus!
Thank you for being the best gift to all.
PS - thank you for Brodie too, he's a good boy!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


It's amazing how reflective we are this time of year! You understand, with the end of the year coming so close, holiday seasons arriving, concluding a busy life and preparing for next years unknowns we all get reflective in our thoughts and activities. So what, you say?... and what's with the Yellow Corvette?

Hear me out. We've come through a very turbulent political, economical, worldwide period of stress this year, and in fact for the past several years. We hear the echo of political promises, slams, innuendos, and empty promises heard in previous years. We are numb to all the events on Wall Street and how its effect on Main Street has come into Washington and down to my home and/or company. We are encouraged by faithful Godly people to keep you eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author and finisher of our faith - but we also watch national news and listen to our radio programs everyday and see little light at the end of our hopes and dreams. We are worn out!

When I reflect on the Current Events as it bumps up to our Daily Walk with God - do I really give thanks for what I have OR did I expect something else? This question is reflective in every aspect of my life: home, work, church, politics, ... life! Maybe you too. Another way to express this thought is: Am I only thankful for when I get what I want? Here is where the Yellow Corvette smoothly comes in to play.

When we reflect on the end of 2008 with all events that came, we naturally ask the question what was in it for me? This year many of us could get depressed or discouraged with that thought quickly. My challenging thought is - are we thankful for having God in our lives and receiving what He's given us without Him asking OUR opinion of that gift? Isaiah 55:8 “ For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.

I would love to have a Corvette, yes I know it's extremely self-serving and impractical - but it's my dream desire. What would I think if someone gave me a Yellow Corvette, but I really wanted a Red one? Would I complain, moan, and be discouraged and depressed? Or, would I remember why I really wanted a Corvette?

What do we really want on a daily basis for our lives, our family and nation? Would you answer: Peace, Forgiveness, Grace, Love, Joy? OK, what does THAT life look like to you? And, are you getting that from God already? The answer is yes, but we complain how we expected it to look. We get our perspective all turned around - and complain to everyone what it looks like in our life. Don't we?

Isaiah indicates that God's thoughts and ways are not like our - fact is they are better!

Let's be grateful and thank God for what He's thinking and doing - apart from what we are getting.

My pastor, Andy Stanley said this, "God is God, and I am not."

I will reflect on THAT this Thanksgiving!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Christians and Presidential Elections

At what point do Christians expose their faith more than in a United States Presidential election. The book of Hebrews tells us, "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen." As Christians we are to put our hope in Christ, albeit the name Christian is followers of Christ. However, in the US growing greedy culture, you will see Christians put their faith in other things and plans, not in Christ. They will put their faith in a Presidential candidate - and hope that the new Administration will be their savior. Or, in other words, they will hope the new system will give them what they want. Give is the operative word. Most Americans have forgotten how to serve - we expect to be given our dreams and desires.

Common non-Christians in the US culture are Humanist - living for themselves by themselves. Their creed (although not spoken out loud) is 'I will do whatever I want, you do the same." This type of person is good with life as long as everyone gives them what they want. Selfish and narcissistic people are wandering around our culture, driving around our US highways, working in our business, teaching in our schools, living in our neighborhoods, and yes, evening in our home.

Even some Christians have adopted this view of life - everything for me. They forget so easy that God is their God - Provider, Protector, Healer, Peace, Seeing the Road ahead, Authority of this World, Savior of My Soul. Why? Their eyes are on themselves and not on God and His activity. They are so busy taking care of their own need, they forget to pay attention to God and watch how He is actually providing that need himself.

When it comes to Presidential elections - God knows what this Country needs. He understands our selfish ways, narrow considerations of Himself, how we ignore Him, and yes - even how we push Him out of most every aspect of our public life. It's sad, but remember when anyone would say "Oh my God", or "God Damn" - others would gasp and frown while the other person would blush in embarrassment? Now it's common for young children to says this and adult parents and others will laugh. It's so common on movies and TV, even News reports we hear it. That simple comment made of our God - but we cry to him in critical times: elections, hurricanes, killings, terroristic attacks, wars. You know, serious times in life. Wake up people - everyday is serious. God is serious - the Bible calls it Sovereign, meaning Ruler of All. When we damn that Ruler, when we swear against Him, when we stop praying and depending upon Him ... will He leave?

Perhaps He has already? No, He hasn't left the country - but He has left your heart. He has knocked and knocked and the door of your heart has not opened. Why? You were too busy taking control of your own needs. Doing things yourself. Depending totally on yourself. Fighting your own battles. Swearing that God is no good - actually ignoring him along your way.

The Bible says, "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (1Corinthians 2:14) Many people in the US, either Christian or non-Christian, are 'natural' - it's just normal. So don't be ashamed, it's the way we are born. The other truth is also found, we are "foolish" to the things of God, why? People are born spiritually brain dead, they can't think about God. Any reason why we live for ourselves? We don't know any better.

So, what's a person to do - if we want change in our Country? Change the way we think about God, who is Ruler of All, already! He will be our only Hope, our only Savior, and Provider. When we stop being brain dead about God, and start learning about Him and loving Him, we will live for Him - putting our Trust in God. Our US founders said it this way, "In GOD we Trust". They believed that so much it was placed everywhere: building, pictures, monuments, even MONEY!

The book of John in Chapter 3 says this, "16 For God so loved the world that He gave (served up) His only begotten Son, that whoever believes (trust) in Him should not perish (die spiritually) but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." God is good - get to know Him. He loves You.

You may have thought I would talk about which Presidential candidate to vote for in this blog. I think I just did ... it's GOD. The 1st book of Timothy 2 indicates, " 9This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance 10(and for this we labor and strive), that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe."

Vote for the candidate who's overall plan follows God's plan. None of them will have it all together, do you? Some of them deny Him and mock those who follow Him.

Christians - Pray for this Country!

Non-Christians - wake up and know God cares and loves you!
Accept Him in your life.