Thursday, December 25, 2008

Images of Christmas

Hello everyone, this is Brodie our 3 1/2 year old Chocolate Lab - he's a good boy! Do know how many tries it took for me to get this one good shot? Many. If you simply look at this picture for the first time you will see a calm obedient dog focusing on the camera. The reality of this image is that fact that I had IAMS dog food nuggets on the top of my head for Brodie to look at me - and he did!
Our images of Christmas vary as individuals, families, towns, nations, and cultures. But the fact remains - it's centered on Christ. The person of Christ, born as a baby from a virgin, becomes debated and denied in our society in an increasing proportion every year. Can we really ignore the fact that Jesus Christ was born on this earth? Does that help unbelievers continue to deny the truth? Or, are they simply looking at this sacred event with dog food in their eyes?
We are selfish people -wanting our way all the time. When someone gets constructive with us and tries to fix what we deny is wrong, we get angry and embarrassed. Frustration sets into our lifestyle when we must try again to get it right - so we stop trying to get it right. Funny thing - when we step back and look at our self and see the real purpose of life, we look foolish trying to do anything else. Brodie has no clue the Christmas tree is behind him, and presents are under the tree. He is more concerned about the dog food on my head and the squirrels out in the front yard. Christmas is not real to him - is it real to you?
Before Christ came as a baby many prophets, priests, and kings discussed his coming. Many nations were at war because of his people. God had planned from the beginning a redeemer of our souls, because He knew we could not do it our self. Sin separted our thinking of who God is, and our disobedience became our pattern. We denied who He really is in our life - God.
Now Christmas time comes and we sing Imanuel - translated God with us. Songs of Christmas sing every year of the coming King Jesus. But we pack Him up with the lights and tree and put all that up in the attic for next year. God is with us - and we can't deny it. God is in Christmas - and the TV news can't stop it. God doesn't draw us near with dog food on his head - he compells us with His love and constant care. He didn't come to condemn, but to save us from our condemnation (John 3:17)
This Christmas - tell it like it really is to everyone. Their image may be pure, simple, and feel good - but their eyes may be on dog food and not the real purpose of this day. Truth is, one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord of all. What will your pictures look like from your past?
Happy Birthday, Jesus!
Thank you for being the best gift to all.
PS - thank you for Brodie too, he's a good boy!