Friday, April 16, 2010


Many of you have seen pictures of babies like this before. The cute baby is wrapped up and squinty eyed, usually holding its hands together like this one. BUT as most people will just move on to see another baby picture and not think twice about this one, I will always see this baby differently!

Why? Because I'm this baby's Grandpa! That make this special life VERY special to me.

Let me introduce my Grand-daughter to you, this is Quinn Everley Walsh. Born to parents Patrick and Jenny Walsh on April 8, 2010. I will not ask you if you think she's beautiful, but I will tell you I think she is beautiful ... in my eyes she looks like her mother, my first born Jenny. I can see it! Our prayer is she grows up knowing that she is loved and God has a purpose in her life that is beyond measure.

The grandpa thing is exciting to me too, as I loved my Grandpy. Grandpy was so special to me and we always had so much fun. I live my life today in many respects to the way he loved me. That make this Grand-baby special to her Grandpa. Besides that - I love her mother so much. As a child Jenny and I had so much fun playing around together. We did so much and laughed all the time. I'm sure she will do the same with Quinn, and someday I will love Quinn just like Grandpy loved me.

Welcome to this world sweet Grand-baby Quinn.

I love you!