Saturday, May 8, 2010

Answered Prayer!

Let me introduce you to my daughter Jenny and son-in-law Patrick, they are holding their new addition lovely daugher Quinn. They will make excellent parents ... as you can see in their faces!

Yes, that's me and Quinn - my new 1 month old Grand Daughter! We just met last night - May 7th and I was speechless for a bit ... I'm a Grandpa. My daughter Jenny and son-in-law Patrick invited me over to their home and introduced me to Quinn for our first visit. What an answer to our prayers ... it works folks.

This is Jenny holding Quinn - she is looking at me and saying "I love you!"

Here's iPOD Quinn - jammin out OR listening to her first post grad lecture ... thinking of how she will change the world. She's already changed mine!

Wonder watch she will choose to call me? I had a Grandpy and Poppa B - either will do, or she can come up with her own special rendition.

Thanks for seeing a slice of my life! Marie and I are so excited and see so much what God is doing in our world. God's timing is perfect.