Sunday, September 19, 2010

Part of Something Bigger - (link here to see video)

When we stop seeing what can be, knowing what should not be, and overcoming what is happening that is wrong - that is vision.

When we see who God is, what He is capable of doing, how He intends to carry through, and where I fit in that part of current day living - that is vision.

Vision stops when people compromise and follow their own wrong intentions. We are not capable of living this life ... on our own and in our own way. We must grow-up and know that God has a bigger purpose in the part of our life. Why do we ignore that? Why are we apathetic to anything that is good for us? Why do people so smart - seem to act so selfishly and stubborn that way?

People are blind to the vision that God intends them to have in their life, therefore families are not going in the right direction and are lost too. Churches are not speaking out on where we should go, and how we should live Biblically, therefore the government is not going in the right direction, is lost, and now broke! Our country, the United States of America has lost its vision and tries to be the Bigger Something, rather than being Part of Something Bigger - God's plan.

We will all fade away ... God is the Eternal, Everlasting, Almighty Prince of Peace.

That is Who and where I want to be Part of Something Bigger.

Do you?

Friday, September 3, 2010

People Are Crazy

Billy Currington - People Are Crazy

This country song is so powerful and true. Although we get caught up with "life as we think it should go" God, circumstances (beer), and people all have a different impact on how "life will go". It shouldn't surprise us, especially the older we get, but we still can't read minds or facial expressions correctly all the time. When people turn on you that is where it begins, in their mind and from their heart.

I heard someone say, "the mouth is like a bucket and the heart is like a well. The bucket goes into the well and collects all the contents to pour out." When our heart (mind) is full of negative, deceit, and such - the mouth will pour out on you what it picks up from inside.

Check this out ... Luke 10:10-12 (NIV)
But when you enter a town and are not welcomed, go into its streets and say, 'Even the dust of your town that sticks to our feet we wipe off against you. Yet be sure of this: The kingdom of God is near.' I tell you, it will be more bearable on that day for Sodom than for that town.
People are crazy - shake off what they say or do to you. You cannot control what is in their heart or how blind their minds eye can be about you. That's between God and them.
God is great - greater than all we can imaging. Smile, dance, enjoy those people around you unconditionally - almost like they do in a bar.
Don't believe me? OK, I will shake it off.