Sunday, January 17, 2010

Biofuel Faith

Sounds weird, looks weird, and even hard to believe but scientists are taking Mustard Seeds grown in California and making a biofuel! These tiny seeds will be grown in the off-season as not to take the ground of normal food crops during their normal growing time. These mustard seeds will produce biofuel for buses and other transit vehicles in our own country.

The size of our faith required to trust God is compared to a Mustard Seed in Matthew 17:20. If we were to have enough faith as the size of a tiny mustard seed we could "move mountains"! How does that work?

Oswald Chambers says, " Faith brings us into a right relationship with God and gives God his opportunity. He frequently has to knock the bottom out of our experience to get us into contact with himself. God wants you to understand it is a life of faith - not a life of sentimental enjoyment of his blessings - that pleases him. Faith by its very nature must be tried. And the real trial of faith is not that we find it difficult to trust God, but that God's character has to be clear in our minds so that we remain true to God whatever he may do. 'Though he slay me, ' announced Job, 'yet will I hope in him.' This is the most sublime utterance of faith in the whole Bible." (emphasis added)

So as we 'run out of gas' in our own lives of faithless living, shouldn't we just add a drop of faith (about the size of a mustard seed) into our life? This is not a faith in myself or any other thing in my life. This is faith in God - who you can't see, hear, or touch. You must experience a relationship buy trusting in the One who Created you. Don't ignore Him anymore - put your faith in him.

Rest in him.

And relax.

Sounds weird, looks weird, and even hard to believe, but faith works that way!

Filler up, please!

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