Thursday, January 27, 2011




[uh-lohn]  Show IPA
–adjective (used predicatively)

1. separate, apart, or isolated from others: I want to be alone.

So many of us spend most of our time this way. We are held in our private worlds by the circumstances held within our life. You understand this feeling, this predicament. At times its ... OK. In other times we would only hope someone would understand and come into our alone-ness.

This is not an isolation kept to various ages of adults, many teens, and young children know this personally in their life. Gender nor demographic is not affected. Why?

Here's my thoughts - life is meant to be shared. Most kids grow up not learning how to share, and as adults these adults become self-centered - as they were raised. So? What do you do ... when you are still alone and caught in this circumstance?

Maybe here's a suggestion - it's not all about me! Life is beyond what I see or think. It's about looking around you, seeing who else is ALONE, and trying your best to comfort them.

If we were honest, we DON'T want to be alone (even if we say, "I want to be alone".) We really are saying, "I wan't to be understood, appreciated, recognized, etc ... ".

So, there it is - God did not intend Man to be alone (goes for women as well). So - reach out of your own circumstance and see life from someone else's perspective. Help someone else not be ALONE.

Do it!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Positive Attitude ... Keep Moving!

Great Grandpa & Grandma Bryan with baby Quinn
One constant with my parents, especially my Mother, is the fact they stay positive and are always on the go!  Pictured here, they are in our home this past Summer visiting during Chelsea's graduation from High School and having a Memorial Day cookout with other family members - featuring Quinn Everly Walsh, our first Grand Baby from Patrick and Jenny Walsh.

The endurance my parents support comes from the inner drive of my Mom (Dad would agree).  She gets it honest as her parents had the same fortitude.  She is the passion of my Father and mega-horn blast in his spirit to get moving everyday.   Like it or not, he moves and goes more places than ever dreamed.  This is what keeps them active and young looking. Could you tell these people are in their mid-70's?  They are committed to family, faith, and friends - sometimes all at the same time, but most importantly each other.

If you were ever to meet my parents and they knew you were a friend or colleague of mine, YOU would instantly be in their life and they would love you.  It's part of the passion of being positive and having a good attitude of life.   Of course, I think it is simply a by-product of their gratitude of God's love of them - that they in turn share with others.  Isn't that how we are suppose to live?  What is wrong is wrong, but what is right keep doing ... Keep Moving!

I love you Dad and Mom - thank you for being an excellent example to me, my family, and our friends.  We love your positive attitude, even when things don't go right.

A special shout out to Mom, who will celebrate another birthday Sunday, January 16th!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Item #1

Item #2
Item #3

Item #4

Do Right - Start With Those In The Light

Galatians 6:9-10 (The Message)

So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.

The thought hit me when I heard this passage - why am I pulled to do right to those I don't know more than those I do know, even to them I know are Christians? 

Stay with me on this, people seem to act nice and kind to perfect strangers when passing by, but when we get to know each other a bit more we become so much more critical and opinionated.  It's true of all of us.  Paul says in the vs 10 (above) - 'starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith'.  Why?

Here is what hit me ... remember those nights when we first saw the big beam in the sky as it moved around?  It sometimes had more than one beam dancing in the sky with it.  We were drawn to it - seeking out what it was trying to show us!  Sometimes it was a fun event or a new car - but it drew us near.

In our dark world - lets do right together, first with those who are forgiven like we are in Christ.  Then together, with more light and excitement we can draw others to what Christ is doing in our lives.  It's more powerful and exciting - plus we won't get fatigued doing it all alone.