Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Missing Normal

Why isn't it funny to think of things that should be going on as ‘normal’?   I will be healthy; I will someday get married; we will never have any problems; if we work hard enough things will work out.  These are just some examples of what we all think of as normal.

What happens when things don’t work out as normal?  The doctor said what; How did the accident happen; I am too young for this; I am too old for this; we didn’t expect this to happen … to us?  These are some examples of what we call real life.

Often what comes mind and what we think are: “Things didn’t happen as we thought” and “Why have I missed a normal life?”  Be honest, you’ve thought that before!  Right!?

Question – what is normal?  Better stated – what are your expectations of normal?  Who controls normal?  How good are You at controlling normal?  I know how not good I am!

My heart goes to that new mother whose baby is born with some type of defect.  Consider a child who loses his parent to a sudden death or divorce early in their life.  A new Christian comes home to strife and disgrace without much hope of an understanding mate.  A teenager sees so many other friends with cars and freedoms of their own.  The businessman working hard everyday seeing others promoted as he continue supporting them.  Are those normal ways?  Sure they are … what is your normal?

Check this out in the New Testament – Jesus speaking … with a man who's hand is withered.

Matthew 12:12-14

How much more valuable then is a man than a sheep! So then, it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.” Then He said to the man, “Stretch out your hand!” He stretched it out, and it was restored to normal, like the other. But the Pharisees went out and conspired against Him, as to how they might destroy Him.

Jesus healing on the Sabbath was challenged by the Pharisees.  Really?  What I want you to see is this; the hand was restored to ‘normal’, like the other.  So many times we think our problems are not normal – but they are!  When we meet other people who have gone through or are going through things we get excited because they understand our pain and we understand theirs.  Jesus has to make us ‘stretch out our problem’ at times so we can see them clearly.  Then He does the restoring – to His normal.  The funny thing is the Pharisees wanted to destroy His normal.  Why?  They thought they could control their normal life!

Are you missing normal?  Do you get angry because your life is not like everyone around you?  We all do … but when we look at our loving Lord and know He is in control then He can restore us back and help us accept ourselves so much better than before. 

That's Normal.

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